What are the attributes of explosion-proof wrenches?


Wrench features: knock, impact, drop hammer and other i […]

Wrench features: knock, impact, drop hammer and other impacts will not produce sparks, but the medium is not in all cases, such as some wet ammonia, ammonium salts, acetylene, chromium, some dichromates, sodium hydroxide Wait. The corrosion degree of TED potassium medium is quite large. In addition, some media will also undergo chemical reactions after contact with copper alloys, which will produce highly dangerous explosive substances, such as acetylene and toughened acetylene steel. In the above cases, try to use items in the environment.

As a commonly used tool, there are many types of wrenches, mainly including: single-ended strut wrench, double-ended wrench strut, wrench lever, percussion wrench, torx single-head, double-headed torx, lever ring SPA, etc. NNER, impact ring wrench, box wrench, adjustable wrench, socket wrench, ratchet wrench valve, oil drum wrench, wrench, wrench F, allen wrench, strap wrench, pipe wrench, pipe wrench, hook wrench, combination wrench Wait.

Daily use and maintenance of wrench-type hand-held tools: Although the operation and use of various wrenches are relatively simple, daily use and maintenance are very important. It should be noted that due to various wrenches and hand tools have different nominal strengths, it is prohibited use. Increase the casing and its. The use of his extended arm, except for tap wrenches, may not be used for percussion, so as not to cause overload and breakage and affect normal use.

In order to avoid explosion and fire accidents, many laws and regulations have been formulated. We hope that we can report to the police in flammable places to minimize explosion accidents. This can reduce many explosion accidents and save many lives. So with the help of our tools, it is implied that a small tool can play a big role.